Irie Green



Logo Design

Welcome to the vibrant world of Irie Green, a beloved vegan Caribbean food truck that not only delights taste buds but also radiates positive vibes. As a visual storyteller, I embarked on a journey to enhance the essence of Irie Green through a transformative logo design and branding. Just as the passion infused into Irie Green's delectable offerings, I believe the brand deserves an equally compelling visual narrative, and I am thrilled to share the journey of bringing justice to its visual identity.

Passion Project Branding

A magical twist on beer


Logo Design
The design process commenced with extensive research into the company's target audience, competitors, and history. Following thorough research, an array of ideas was sketched to encapsulate diverse concepts. Given the vegan food truck focus, the imperative was to ensure that the logo resonated authentically with the brand. Integration of various sketches, such as a plant and a bowl, culminated in a logo that effectively communicates the fresh and positive ethos of Irie Green.

‍In the realm of branding, the goal was to subtly evoke a fresh and natural ambiance while encapsulating the dynamic and positive vibes inherent to Irie Green. Strategic deployment of color and typography played a pivotal role in animating the packaging and establishing a distinctive brand identity.

Aligned with the food's origin from the island of St. Marteen, an Ital color scheme was requested by the client. This palette, comprising red, yellow, and green, harmoniously aligns with the brand's heritage and identity, creating a visual language that resonates authentically with Irie Green's roots.